Bastion is a completely fictitious faction, imagined by Talek Do'Lorn (TDL), as an ICTC entry. It is not playable in-game. You are welcome to discuss Bastion with its author.

Intro | Story | Racial | Skills | Heroes | Creatures | Creatures Abilities | City Plan | Buildings | Magic Buildings | Dwellings

Name Description Creatures Possessing
Backstab Creature inflicts more damage in melee to creatures that have already retaliated during the round.
Damage dealt by the wanderers and the rovers is increased by 25%.
Wanderer, Rover
Caster Creature can use a set of magical spells similar to those cast by the heroes. Mana reserve is always limited, but always set to maximum at the beginning of combat. The Spellpower depends on the number of creatures.
Whirlwind (refer to Whirlwind ability section)

Windstorm (refer to Windstorm ability section)

Summon Elementals (always Air; number is equal to that of creatures in the stack; mana cost - 16)

Endurance (advanced mastery; mana cost - 6)

Haste (advanced mastery; mana cost - 6; activated ability)
Windcaller, Windmaster
Evasion Creature's agility, swiftness and dexterity provide it with a chance to evade a portion of ranged attacks.
Rocs and Thunderbirds are granted a 25% chance that shooting attacks will miss.
Roc, Thunderbird
Falconer Creature can attack from afar when using the falcon to attack with. Falcons ignore any obstacles on the way.
Movement range of Falconers' falcons - 5 tiles, of Elders' - 7 tiles (activated ability; unlimited).
Falconer, Elder Falconer
Flyer This creature can move on to any free tile on the battlefield during its turn, regardless of the obstacles in the way. Pegasus, Nightwing, Roc, Thunderbird
Immunity to Lightning Lightning cannot harm this creature. Thunderbird
Immunity to Slow This creature cannot be slowed down. Roc, Thunderbird
Large Creature This creature takes 2x2 squares on the battlefield. Preserver, Besieger, Pegasus, Nightwing, Roc, Thunderbird
No Enemy Retaliation Enemies never retaliate after melee attacks by creatures with this ability. Falconer, Elder Falconer
No Melee Penalty Shooter has no penalty for damage inflicted during melee attack. Rover
Open Wound Creature's attack makes the affected target deal less damage while retaliating.
Damage dealt by the target is decreased by 50%. Undead, mechanical and elemental creatures not affected.
Opportunist Creature has a chance to attack a bypassing enemy unit without suffering retaliation strike per every tile walked next to the creature.
Besiegers have a 5% per tile chance to inflict damage to a bypassing unit. One extra attack per stack of Besiegers for a single passing unit.
Reflect Magic Creature has a chance to fully reflect offensive spells cast against them, randomly placing the enchantment on a randomly-selected enemy unit.
Pegasi and Nightwings have a 30% chance to fully reflect direct damage spells and curses, randomly placing spell's effect on an enemy unit.
Pegasus, Nightwing
Shapeshifter Creature can take the form of an animal, gaining various attribute boosts and changing its appearance to that of the animal. Dedicated for use in tactics mode, activating when in battle makes half the initiative in the ATB bar.
Serpent Form: Damage increased by 100%, initiative by 3, defence decreased by 50%. Poisonous attack (1 dmg/unit).

Eagle Form: Attack increased by 150%, initiative by 1, movement by 3, defence decreased by 50%, endurance by 20%. Flyer. 30% chance to evade ranged attacks.

Bear Form: Endurance and defence are increased by 100%, attack by 50%, initiative and speed decreased by 1. Large creature (activated ability; one form per combat).
Shapeshifter, Blightwalker
Shooter This creature can inflict damage remotely. When distance to target is longer than half the arena, the target suffers only half the normal damage. Shooter cannot use ranged attack when blocked by enemy creature. If there's no Ammo Cart in the army, the number of shots is limited by available ammo. Rover, Windcaller, Windmaster
Strike and Return Creature attacks and returns to its previous position. Falconer, Elder Falconer
Thunderbolt Creature summons a powerful lightning bolt to obliterate any target it attacks 50% of the time, harming the unit and stunning (resetting its initiative in the ATB bar).
Thunderbolt deals 20*number of thunderbirds in the stack of air-based damage. Creatures with magic resistance may resist the effect. Elemental chains increase its effect.
Tremorous Impact Creature's massive hooves make the ground beneath enemy feet tremble, dealing earth damage to all units in adjacent to the landing area, friend or foe alike.
Nightwings deal 12+8*number of creatures in the stack earth damage to all adjacent units. Magic resistance and elements affect the damage (activated ability; instant)
Valiant Creature gets an initiative boost per every enemy stack destroyed by the creature.
Preservers and Besiegers get +1 boost to morale per every stack destroyed for the duration of the combat.
Preserver, Besieger
Whirlwind Creature invokes a wave of wind in an arched radius, damaging all and pushing back adjacent small creatures in the corresponding area by 1 tile.
Whirlwind deals Air Damage that equals to 16*number of creatures in the stack. Large creatures effect - -50%. Area of effect - up to 2 tiles. (once per combat; activated ability)
Windcaller, Windmaster
Windknocker Creature shoots with concentrated bolts of wind energy that reduce iniative in ATB and push back the target.
Small creatures are pushed back by 2 tiles, large creatures are pushed back by 1 tile. Initiative reduced - 20%.
Windshield Creature has Deflect Missile of basic level permanently cast over it.
Oracles suffer 40% less damage from non-magical ranged attacks.
Windcaller, Windmaster
Windstorm Creature emits a massive windy hurricane around the targeted spot, damaging and pushing back all adjacent creatures by 1 tile.
Windstorm deals Air Damage that equals to 20*number of creatures in the stack. Large creatures are equally affected (once per combat; activated ability).

© All rights reserved to Talek Do'Lorn (TDL) and

Dearest and special thanks go to: Alcibiades for consulting and eager discussions on abilities, GenieLord for some help and support, and Daystar for creating the visuals for the Bastion. Other pictures are taken from various sites (hero portraits are screenshots from copyrighted Gothic 3 game by Piranha Bytes) - deepest appreciation and respect.