So what's new in IRMG ?

New Features
  1. Integrated mixed creatures - no more dull 1 type of guard , New interesting combination leading to new tactics and a whole different gameplay .

More on Mixed Guards

  1. Chaos weeks - if this is chosen no more normal weeks that do nothing - every week will have some impact on the game..
  2. New dwellings for all neutral units + Future new units

New Dwellings:

  • Dark Halls - death knights dwelling. Very heavily guarded by 3*4 mummies and 2*3 death knights

img529.imageshack.us_img529_2226_darkhallsve2.jpg img150.imageshack.us_img150_7345_deathknightsuk9.jpg

  • Fire Lake - Phoenix dwelling. Guarded by 3 Phoenix and 4*4 Fire Elementals


  • Wolf Lair - Wolf dwelling. The Lair Heavily Guarded by 13*8 wolfs = 104 as can be seen: img261.imageshack.us_img261_5657_wolflairxe5.jpg


  • Mummy Graves - Mummy dwellings. Guarded by 5*3 mummies and 2 death knights

random_map_generator_by_idan/whats_new.txt · Last modified: 2008/07/19 20:31 (external edit)
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