ToE H5/HoF
Weeks of Nothing
Week of Deadly CalmA week when nothing really happens.
Week of ToadIf a young girl should dare kiss a frog during this week, it is said that she will be married within a year.
Week of HenA week when you should watch your step
Week of FireflyThe week with the most beautiful nights.
Week of DragonflyA week when it impossible to have a quiet lakeside fishing session.
Week of FoxNot a good week to be a chicken.
Week of RatThe favourite week of cats.
Week of RabbitNot a good week to be a carrot.
Week of SquirrelNot a good week to be a hazelnut.
Week of CaterpillarA week when the Elves organise a great meal, after which they do a traditional dance.
Week of HamsterWeekly Hamster and Berserk Combat Hamster production doubles.
Week of PigeonA week when all statues must be cleaned daily.
Week of WorryThe week of the final exams of the Silver Cities' Apprentice Magicians.
Week of BeeChildren's favourite week; hives produce three times the usual amount of honey.
Week of PoppyA week during which you are expected to offer wild flowers to your neighbours.
Week of SwanNo special effect.
Week of ButterflyA week which often has sudden storms.
Week of AntelopeThe lions' favourite week.
Week of BeggarsA week during which everyone should give to the poor.
Week of RavenThe week when the contest for the best scarecrow is held.
Week of BeaverNot a good week to be a tree.
Week of FlamingoNot a good week to be a prawn.
Week of TortoiseA week when everyone takes things slowly.
Week of LynxNot a good week to be a rabbit.
Week of PenguinA good week for marching (if you're an Emperor).
Week of FalconA week when it would be wise to keep a watch on what is happening over one's head
Week of HedgehogThe week when hedgehogs have right of way on the roads.
Week of SparrowNot a good week to be a worm.
Week of SwallowThe week when the swallows return, sometimes carrying coconuts.
Week of LionNot a good week to be an antelope.
Week of RoosterA week when everyone gets up really early.
Week of ViperA week when it would be wise to watch where you tread.
Week of SheepWool production doubles.
Week of DeerThe week of Ashan's biggest hunting contest.
Week of OwlA good week for fly by nights
Week of WyrmA week when the weekly Wyrm production used to double, before they were totally exterminated.
Week of TigerA perfect week for finding a new bedspread.
Resources Production
Week of FestivalsHalf income from towns and mines.
Week of JewelsDouble Gem and Crystal income from mines.
Week of AlchemyDouble income of Mercury and Sulfur from mines.
Week of GoldDouble Gold income from all sources.
Week of HarvestDouble Wood and Ore income from mines.
Week of FlameDouble growth for Rune Priests and Rune Patriarches. Movement of all heroes increased by 50%.
Week of WindsSea movement of all heroes increased by 50%.
Week of FollyExperience gained from battles halved.
Week of HonorExperience gained from battles doubled.
Week of DiplomacyAll neutral creatures that usually join for money will join for free.
Week of ForgeryCost of creature upgrade halved.
Week of TradePrices for artefacts halved. Prices for resource exchange halved.
Week of MeditationMana regeneration rate doubled.
In Combat
Week of IdlenessInitiative for all creatures from Haven, Sylvan, Academy and Fortress factions reduced by 20% during battles.
Week of CalmInitiative of all creatures from Necropolis, Inferno and Dungeon factions reduced by 20% during battles.
Week of FeeblenessDefense of all creatures from Haven, Sylvan, Academy and Fortress factions reduced by 20% during battles.
Week of InfirmityDefense for all creatures from Necropolis, Inferno and Dungeon factions reduced by 20% during battles.
Week of SorrowMorale and luck for all creatures from Haven, Sylvan, Academy and Fortress factions reduced by 2 during battles.
Week of LightLuck and morale for all creatures from Necropolis, Inferno and Dungeon factions reduced by 2 during battles.
Week of HopeDuring battles morale and luck for all creatures increased by 1.
Week of BalanceMorale and luck negated during battles.
Week of ToughnessHit points of all creatures increased by 20% during battles.
Week of Might'n'MagicNon-magic damage increased by 50% and spell cost halved during battles
Week of MightNon-magic damage increased by 50% during battles.
Week of MagicSpell cost halved during battles.
Week of EtherSpell cost doubled.
Week of ChaosSpell damage increased by 50% during battles.
Week of Fire and IceFire and ice spells deal double damage during battles.
Week of WaterIce spell damage increased by 50% during battle. Amount of summoned Water Elementals increases by 50%.
Week of FireFire spell damage increased by 50% during battles. Amount of summoned Fire Elementals increases by 50%.
Week of EarthEarth spell damage increased by 50% during battles. Amount of summoned Earth Elementals increases by 50%.
Week of AirAir spell damage increased by 50% during battles. Amount of summoned Air Elementals increases by 50%.
Week of EvocationSkill level of all Destructive Magic spells increased to maximum during battles.
Week of AbjurationSkill level of all Light Magic spells increased to maximum during battles.
Week of AlterationSkill level of all Dark Magic spells increased to maximum during battles.
Week of ConjurationSkill level of all Summoning Magic spells increased to maximum during battles.
General Creature Growth
Week of PlagueCreatures in all dwellings die. No growth for all creatures.
Week of DiseaseTwo thirds of creatures in all dwellings die (minimum remaining is one). Only one third of growth for all creatures.
Week of FeverHalf of creatures in all dwellings die (minimum remaining is one). Only half of growth for all creatures.
Week of LifeDouble growth for all creatures.
Week of ConjunctionTriple growth for all creatures. Triple income of all resources from mines and towns.
Creatures' Weeks
Week of PeasantDouble growth for Peasants and Conscripts.
Week of ArcherDouble growth for Archers and Marksmen.
Week of FootmanDouble growth for Footmen and Swordsmen.
Week of GriffinDouble growth for Griffins and Imperial Griffin.
Week of PriestDouble growth for Priests and Inquisitors.
Week of CavalierDouble growth for Cavaliers and Paladins.
Week of AngelDouble growth for Angels and Archangels.
Week of GremlinDouble growth for Gremlins and Master Gremlins.
Week of GargoyleDouble growth for Gargoyles and Obsidian Gargoyles.
Week of GolemDouble growth for Iron Golems and Steel Golems.
Week of MagiDouble growth for Mages and Archmages.
Week of DjinnDouble growth for Djinns and Djinn Sultans.
Week of RakshasaDouble growth for Rakshasa Rani and Rakshasa Raja.
Week of ColossusDouble growth for Colossi and Titans.
Week of PixieDouble growth for Pixies and Sprites.
Week of WardancerDouble growth for Blade Dancers and War Dancers.
Week of WoodelfDouble growth for Hunters and Master Hunters.
Week of DruidDouble growth for Druids and Druid Elders.
Week of UnicornDouble growth for Unicorns and Battle Unicorns.
Week of TreantDouble growth for Treants and Treant Guardians.
Week of Green DragonDouble growth for Green Dragons and Emerald Dragons.
Week of ImpDouble growth for Imps and Familiars.
Week of DemonDouble growth for Demons and Horned Demons.
Week of HellhoundDouble growth for Hell Hounds and Cerberi.
Week of SuccubusDouble growth for Succubi and Infernal Succubi.
Week of NightmareDouble growth for Hell Chargers and Nightmares
Week of Pit LordDouble growth for Pit Fiends and Pit Lords.
Week of DevilDouble growth for Devils and Archdevils.
Week of AssassinDouble growth for Scouts and Assassins.
Week of WitchDouble growth for Witches and Blood Witches.
Week of MinotaurDouble growth for Minotaurs and Minotaur Guards.
Week of RaiderDouble growth for Grim Raiders and Dark Raiders
Week of HydraDouble growth for Hydras and Chaos Hydras.
Week of MatronDouble growth for Matrons and Matriarchs.
Week of DragonDouble growth for Shadow Dragons and Black Dragons.
Week of SkeletonDouble growth for Skeletons and Skeleton Archers.
Week of WalkingdeadDouble growth for Zombies and Plague Zombies.
Week of WightDouble growth for Ghosts and Spectres.
Week of VampireDouble growth for Vampires and Vampire Lords.
Week of LichDouble growth for Liches and Archliches.
Week of WightDouble growth for Wights and Wraiths.
Week of BonedragonDouble growth for Bone Dragons and Shadow Dragons.
Week of DefenderDouble growth for Defenders and Stout Shieldguards.
Week of SpearsDouble growth for Spearwielders and Skirmisher.
Week of BearDouble growth for Bear Raiders and Blackbear Raiders.
Week of RageDouble growth for Brawlers and Berserkers.
Week of FlameDouble growth for Rune Priests and Rune Patriarches. Movement of all heroes increased by 50%.
Week of ThaneDouble growth for Thanes and Stormlords.
Week of SalamanderDouble growth for Fire Dragons and Magma Dragons.
This information comes from the Heroes V release version (v2.1).

Thanks to sfidanza for the work on this page.
Thanks to ThE_HyDrA for creating and looking after the Heroes 5 section of Age of Heroes!