ToE HoF H5

Tip: you can sort by 'Name' or 'Cost' by clicking on the corresponding heading, or filter by 'Slot', 'Type' or 'Source'.

Name Slot Type » Cost « Source
Dragon Flame Tongue Dragon Flame Tongue Weapon Major 21000 H5
Adds +2 to hero's attack and defense. Grants a 50% protection from cold-based spells
Cloak of Death's Shadow Cloak of Death's Shadow Shoulders Relic 24000 H5
Decreases morale and luck of enemy creatures by -2.
Lion Crown Lion Crown Head Relic 24000 H5
Increases hero's morale and luck by +2.
Staff of Sar-Issus Staff of Sar-Issus Weapon Relic 25000 H5
Negates enemy magic resistance. Magic protection and immunities, if any, are not affected and still remain.
Sandro's Cloak Sandro's Cloak Shoulders Relic 25000 H5
Negates enemy Mind Affect immunity
Greaves of the Dwarven Kings Greaves of the Dwarven Kings Feet Relic 25000 H5
Adds +4 to hero's attack and renders all creatures in hero's army immune to Slow spell.
Boots of the Swift Journey Boots of the Swift Journey Feet Major 25000 H5
Increase hero's movement over land.
Helm of the Dwarven Kings Helm of the Dwarven Kings Head Relic 25000 H5
Adds +4 to hero's knowledge and renders all creatures in hero's army immune to Blind spell.
Dragon Eye Ring Dragon Eye Ring Finger Major 25000 H5
Adds +1 to all hero's attributes and increases initiative of all shooters in hero's army by 10%
Shield of the Dwarven Kings Shield of the Dwarven Kings Shield Relic 25000 H5
Adds +4 to hero's defense and renders all creatures in hero's army immune to Frenzy spell.
Sandals of the Blessed Sandals of the Blessed Feet Relic 30000 H5
Increases all hero stats by +1
Boots Of Levitation Boots Of Levitation Feet Relic 30000 H5
Hero can move over the sea
Cuirass of the Dwarven Kings Cuirass of the Dwarven Kings Chest Relic 30000 H5
Adds +4 to hero's defense and renders all creatures in hero's army immune to Implosion spell.
Crown of Sar-Issus Crown of Sar-Issus Head Relic 36000 H5
Adds +6 to hero's knowledge.
Robe of Sar-Issus Robe of Sar-Issus Chest Relic 36000 H5
Adds +6 to hero's Spellpower.
Armor of the Forgotten Hero Armor of the Forgotten Hero Chest Relic 36000 H5
Adds +2 to hero's primary stats and grants 20% magic resistance to hero's army.
Wings of the Angel Wings of the Angel Shoulders Relic 40000 H5
Grants hero the ability to fly over terrain.
Ring of Sar-Issus Ring of Sar-Issus Finger Relic 40000 H5
Reduces the mana cost of all hero's spells by half.
Pendant of Mastery Pendant of Mastery Neck Relic 40000 H5
Grants hero a free level of his or her primary skill. This level is gained even if the hero's skill is on Expert level.
Shackles of the Last Man Shackles of the Last Man Pocket Relic 40000 H5
Prevents you and all your foes from retreating from combat.
Tear of Asha Tear of Asha Inventory Grail 1000000 H5
Carry the Tear of Asha back to the city of your choice, and the populace will glorify it with a fantastic structure that will provide numerous bonuses.
This information comes from the Heroes V release version (v1.5).

Thanks to sfidanza for creating the Heroes 5 artifacts page!
Thanks to ThE_HyDrA for creating and looking after the Heroes 5 section of Age of Heroes!